St. Francis of Assisi & the Octopus

A tale generated by modern magic. I recently dipped my toe into artificial intelligence for a work project unrelated to my priestessing. I find the idea of Ai kind of terrifying and in recent discussions most people do too. But it’s not all a Pandora’s box right? I will continue to contemplate and discuss itContinueContinue reading “St. Francis of Assisi & the Octopus”

Mental Health Prayer Poetry & Bees

I love including bee symbols in my co-creations. Bees are rich in symbology and, to me, have always represented the sun and happiness. These tiny creatures are vital to our survival, keeping our ecosystem balanced. They are regarded as a positive omen in nearly all indigenous cultures. I have re-designed one of my most popularContinueContinue reading “Mental Health Prayer Poetry & Bees”

Ancestor Hoops: Using Beads for Ancestor Work

I am super excited to finally be able to share this!!! Many are called to ancestor work when needing guidance, support, healing, or connection. I get the sense that they want to reach us as well. Unless you come from a culture with specific practices around ancestors, you might feel called to connect with themContinueContinue reading “Ancestor Hoops: Using Beads for Ancestor Work”

Self Compassion Meditation and Prayer Beads

The world has been extra crazy these last couple of years. How we navigate it can be expanded and made more bearable with a self compassion practice. I created these beads for just that. The beads chosen correlate to 5 ways to engage with compassion for yourself and then extend it out toward others. YouContinueContinue reading “Self Compassion Meditation and Prayer Beads”

Free Range Inspiration for Summer 2021

So I’m pretending to be an organized business with “seasons” just for fun. (Worth a shot right? lol😜) I’m just SO stoked to connect to Makuahine Nui (Great Mother) and co-create some new free-range rosaries, malas and chaplets this summer. Summer is almost here! More are people vaccinated and some places can see ahead toContinueContinue reading “Free Range Inspiration for Summer 2021”